Our Work
United Way recruits people and organizations who bring the passion, expertise, and resources needed to get things done. We advance the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all.
Our focus is on education, income and basic needs - the building blocks for a good quality of life.
Southeast Michigan lacks a coordinated strategy and the necessary resources to ensure the region reaches its goal that all children enter and graduate from school with the proper educational and social tools to succeed. We are addressing the deep need in our region by focusing our Education work on two distinct, but equally important, aspects of education:
- High School Turnaround Initiative: In the last year, we have shown that traditionally low-performing schools can be transformed into smaller, nurturing, high-performing schools. We must expand and sustain that work. Click here to learn more about our High School Turnaround Initiative.
- Early Childhood Education: At the same time, we must double our efforts to create nurturing, literacy-rich environments for all children in the first few years of life. The foundation for successful adulthood is built by kindergarten. Click here to learn more about our work in Early Childhood Education.
One third of Southeastern Michigan residents don't make enough income to meet their basic needs. As residents strive to achieve financial independence, they often must navigate a confusing array of private and public service providers to receive services that are short-term. Click here to how United Way is increasing financial stability across the region.
Basic Needs
Being able to meet basic needs, like access to safe housing, adequate food, and medical care, enables individuals and families to build a stable life thus providing greater stability in our community. United Way is addressing the deep need in our region by focusing our Basic Needs work on two tracts:
- Safety Net: We are investing in basic services and working towards a more efficient system for providing basic services. Click here to learn about our work with the Safety Net.
- Hunger: We are helping to ensure that families are not hungry so that we can then focus on providing support and resources that lead to long-term financial independence. Click here to learn about our work with Hunger.